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Vital SEO Support for your
Next Website Redesign

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Climb Marketing/Website Redesign SEO Support

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Safely Crossing the Chasm with Website Redesign SEO Services

About to embark on a website redesign? Congratulations! This is an exciting time, with huge wins on the horizon. But it’s also nerve-wracking: This is a moment when your search engine optimization efforts are most fragile. All of your SEO equity—your link building and online authority, backlink portfolio, keyword visibility, and ranking—hinges on search engines being able to recognize your new website and old URLs as being one and the same.

A Safety Net for Your Organic Traffic

Even if you ticked every item on your website redesign SEO checklist, you know that your web traffic is still going to take a dip following the new site launch. But the reality is that, if you don’t properly shepherd your SEO equity across the rough terrain, that dip can be a crippling dive: Depending on the strength of your brand, the loss in traffic can be as much as 80% to 90%. If you really botch it, that traffic loss might even be permanent..

Get yourself an insurance policy. Climb’s expert SEO team can guide you across the chasm, safeguarding against the potential pitfalls. The earlier we can join your redesign process, the better. “SEO preservation” is much easier than “SEO salvage.”

But we don’t won’t to fixate on the negative. A website revamp and relaunch can easily become huge SEO wins for your company—with proper preparation and optimization. When we work closely with your design team early on, we can be sure that the core structure of your new site provides the absolute best scaffolding to support and expand your online visibility.

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Content Marketing Agency

Content Marketing Agency

Climb Website Redesign SEO Services

Climb will wrap ourselves around your entire website redesign process. We take the time to develop an in-depth understanding of old pages and new website, how your visitors need to interact navigate the site, and how search engines will make sense of the shift post-launch. Drawing on our experience handling SEO-Friendly website design, we perform fresh keyword research, and look for every opportunity to preserve and improve your ranking. This means optimizing your existing content for the new site, mindfully adding internal links between old and new pages, rethinking URL structure, tweaking meta descriptions, revamping existing content marketing pieces, and bringing your site up to meet the latest expectations in mobile-friendly design.

We have experience working with both in-house teams and with outside design or marketing firms. If you need a recommendation, we can even help connect you with a good web design firm. In the end, we won’t just preserve your SEO equity through your relaunch. Our website redesign SEO support services can also optimize your new site’s navigation and user experience (UX), expand your SEO equity, grow your footprint, and make your site as welcoming as possible to potential customers.

Embarking on a website redesign? Contact us now to explore your opportunities and avoid the pitfalls.

FAAC Website SEO Strategy & Consulting Case Study

Case Study Results Graph


  • Outdated website with content split between three domains
  • Low search visibility for core terminology
  • No form conversion tracking or call tracking in place


  • Develop in-depth content architecture to merge three websites
  • Partner with FWD to build new website with solid technical foundation
  • Configure conversion tracking for web forms and phone calls


  • 39.7% increase in first page (top 10) results (within 3 months of launch)
  • 20.7% increase in aggregate organic traffic (year over year)
  • 11.7% increase in overall search engine visibility (within 3 months of launch)

Case Study Results Graph

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