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Pinpoint Your Visibility Barriers
with Our SEO Audits

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Climb Marketing/SEO Audits

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SEO Audit Services Guide You to Growth

You’ve got happy customers—but fewer fresh leads than you’d like. You’ve got a solid website—but your traffic is missing. You know you need to improve your “search engine visibility” and ranking—but you’re flying blind.

Face it: You can’t chart a course to where you want to be if you don’t know where you are and can’t see where you’re headed. A comprehensive SEO audit gives you an objective assessment of where you are and where you are headed. But not all SEO audits are equally useful—and it’s easy for SEO firms to focus too much on keywords and search engines, and too little on your flesh-and-blood customers and competitors.

Climb Marketing SEO Analysis

In an SEO Audit, Climb explores every inch of of your company’s web presence. As any SEO firm would, we make sure your site is structured in a way that search engines can understand and appreciate. But we don’t stop at the nuts and bolts of how a search engine crawls and digests your site—because search engines aren’t paying customers.

We look through the search engine to see the audience at the keyboard. Then we turn around and dig into your existing site content, analyze the quality of that content, and consider how well all of the aspects of your website map to your business goals and audience needs.

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Content Marketing Agency

SEO Audit Services

Climb SEO audits can be basic one-shot engagements—we dive deep, crawl your entire site, and come back with a report and assessment—or ongoing engagements. With an ongoing engagement we first take a baseline, and then re-audit as you make changes, so you have a sense of the impact each new initiative may have. In any case, our SEO audits never end with a long list of broken links for you to fix and a set of inscrutable KPIs, indicators, and metrics.

At the end of your SEO Audit with Climb, we deliver a prioritized growth map. This map is composed of discrete action items, organized by effort level and impact. You’ll know where to start, getting the most impact for your effort, and be able to hit the ground running that very day.

Considering an SEO Audit? Contact us now to explore your opportunities.

SEO Case Study: Royal Oak Recycling

Case Study Results Graph


  • Digital presence largely unattended
  • 15-year-old, javascript-based website
  • Practically no search engine visibility
  • No web analytics tracking in place


  • Develop in-depth SEO strategy
  • Provide ample opportunities to convert
  • Create and optimize extensive content
  • Incorporated into new website design


  • 3x growth in service inquiries
  • 138% growth in organic search traffic

Case Study Results Graph

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