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Core Web Vitals

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Climb Marketing/Core Web Vitals Audits

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Are You Ready for the Core Web Vitals Update?

There will be 3 new Google ranking factors rolling out in May 2021! Unless your website is prepared, you could face ranking repercussions. These ranking factors involve how users interact with your site so it’s important the health of your website is up to par for Google’s standards. At Climb Marketing, we’ve helped our clients become compliant with the Core Web Vitals requirements, and we want to help you!

Core Web Vitals Audits

Our SEO experts will meticulously review your website’s load speed and user experience to ensure it’s compliant with all three Core Web Vitals metrics. If your website fails to meet passing scores for any of the metrics, we’ll identify ways to improve your website’s load speed, page templates, or user experience to ensure compliance. We then create an actionable plan for moving forward and will work with your internal team or website developer to implement fixes and improve Core Web Vitals scores.

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What Are the Core Web Vitals Metrics?

With the initial rollout of Core Web Vitals, Google announced that they’ll be focusing on three specific user experience metrics: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

  • LCP measures the render time of the largest text block or image visible within the viewport upon loading a webpage.
  • FID measures the time between a user’s interaction with a page and when the browser executes the action in response.
  • CLS measures unexpected layout shifts that occur on a webpage (i.e. images, ads, or iframes that dynamically resize without any user interaction).

Want to Learn More About Core Web Vitals?

Looking for some more resources on Core Web Vitals update? We’ve prepared some guides and discussed Core Web Vitals on our podcast to help marketers better understand the metrics before they become ranking factors on Google search in May of 2021.

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Need an SEO Expert?

We’ll help to evaluate your website’s Core Web Vitals scores and come up with an actionable plan for improvement.

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